How to Sell Your Gold
Selling your gold doesn't have to be difficult and stressful. At Cash for Gold Perth, we are committed in making sure you get the best possible rates and customer services.
Selling Gold to Cash for Gold Perth is as simple as:
Step 1 – Bring your gold items during the operation hours with your 100 points identification.
Step 2 – We check the weight and purity of your gold items using a calibrated scale and Niton XL2 precious metal analyser.
Step 3 – We offer you an amount based on the gold purity and weight. Once accepted, you can receive instant cash or payment in your bank (Osko).
Get in touch with us today to discover the true worth of your gold and experience our unparalleled service!

ID Requirements
At Cash for Gold Perth, we require identification checks for any gold transactions to be completed. The 100 point identification check requires the seller to present at least one primary ID document that is worth 75 points and one secondary ID document that is worth 25 points.
The acceptable forms of identification are as follows:
One primary ID from the following (75 points)
• Australian/International passport
• Australian driving licence
• Proof of age card
One secondary ID from the following (25 points)
Must have current residential address and issued within the previous three months from date of transaction
• Utility Bill (Alinta/Synergy/Water corporation)
• Phone Bill (Telstra, Vodafone, etc..)
• Rental invoice
• Shire/council rates statement
• Medicare/Centrelink letter
• Bank Statements
• Insurance policy statement (Motor vehicle, house, health, etc..)
• Government Letters (ATO, fine/traffic infringement, etc…)
Sell Gold Perth
Looking to sell your gold in Perth? Cash for Gold Perth provide fast and hassle-free transactions, ensuring that you get the best possible experience when selling your gold items.